Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stop Press ... Rats !

Following up on the two recent press releases regarding the ‘rat problem’, comments that have been received include :
  • “I can see how you came up with the assumption that cold lunches and the supposed 'rat infestation' were linked but the fact that it turned out not to be linked has, in my opinion, reflected badly on the Parents Support Forum which is a shame as I feel the Forum could be a very positive place for parents who feel unsure about approaching other parents to swop ideas and gain information about the way the school works and how they can help to improve it.”

  • “I rely on the fact that my children receive a hot dinner and I should have been told that they were only having sandwiches.”
This episode clearly shows that the flow of information between school and parents needs to improve.

Not only did the school not tell parents about a rat problem, they forgot to tell parents that there would be no proper catering facilities whilst building work progressed.

(The school never did explain why parents were not informed.)

There is a disconcerting complacency about the rat infestation and much is being made of the fact that it was only one rat and that it was all fixed within one day.

Make no mistake, rats are a real hazard and they live in colonies - where there is one rat then there are more.

The following informative publication from Devon Council describes the biology and behaviour of a rat : Environmental Health - Rats.

It makes the clear point :

“If a rat is seen during the day, it is usually an indicator of a sizeable infestation.”

The Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 places an obligation on owners or occupiers to control rats and mice on their property and to inform the local Council of infestations. The control of rats and mice is therefore everyone’s problem not just the Council’s.

So it is a very serious matter and we should have been told !

A news report from the US that highlights the dangers of rats and the same reluctance by schools to inform parents.

Parents Support Forum’s aim is to facilitate open and frank discussion.

Whilst there has been both positive and negative dialogue, there is no doubt that communication in itself can only be seen as positive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My children go to Duke Street school and I find it hard to believe that one rat has hit front page news, it is hardly an infestation! Why would parents need to be informed if it was 1 rat that had been dealt with and there was no health risk. Why upset the children unnesecerily. I think the person who wrote the Blog should have had the guts to go into the school and confront them rather than write about it on an internet sight, thats what I would have done. Duke Street has undergone some wonderful modernising of the school and lets see that on the front page next time, with some pictures of the children instead of a rat!

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