Saturday, October 4, 2008

Parents Helping Parents

When parents are involved in their child’s learning and in the life of the school, children do better. Parental involvement is thus a key lever for school improvement.

The Education and Inspections Act 2006 places a duty on governing bodies of all maintained schools to have regard to the views expressed by parents of registered pupils.

All schools are encouraged to review their arrangements in relation to this duty and to consider enhancing them by setting up a parent council.

Ofsted inspects schools on the way in which they listen and respond to parents’ views.

These government guidelines were introduced in May 2007 by the Department for Children, Schools and Families who have produced a document entitled “Setting up a Parent Council”.

To date the school has chosen not to consider the formation of a parent council - something that we, with your help, intend to change over the coming months.

About Us
    We are a group of caring parents who have decided to stop whinging in the playground and to do something positive to give our children a better life at school.
Our Objectives
  • To provide an open forum where we, as parents, can share and discuss school related issues openly and frankly whilst preserving anonymity.

  • To provide encouragement and support for one another and our children.

    We know our children better than anyone and we should not be made to feel that any problems are our fault or indeed those of our children.

  • To use our collective new found strengths to make Duke Street Primary School a safe and happy place for our children where they are able to develop to their maximum potential.

  • To establish better communication and involvement of the school governing body.

  • Our ultimate goal is the formation of a recognised parent council.
Our Rules and Guidelines
  • Any parent/carer/childminder can contribute to our forum.

  • Your privacy will be respected and we will not publish your name or any other information. You can add your comments to blog entries with the assurance of complete anonymity.

    You can also communicate directly with us by e-mail :

  • Be respectful of others by not using bad language even if you feel really annoyed, upset or frustrated.

  • Please avoid making what might be construed as slanderous statements.

  • Take this forum seriously. Please do not let your children send comments. It is for us Mums and Dads to help each other so we can stay strong to help them.

    We reserve the right to censor/delete comments that fail to adhere to the above guidelines.
We hope you find this forum useful and look forward to working together to give our children a fulfilled and rewarding future.


Anonymous said...

A childs early years in school are the most important, this time will make president in their experiences through all their school years. Although there are allegations against Teachers that are untruthful, and these are usually resolved, there are also Children’s allegations that go unheard or are brushed under the carpet as the child telling lies or have over exaggerated the truth.
There was a recent story about a young boy who had committed suicide at high school. He had reported an incident with a teacher at primary school and he was not believed, over the years his faith in the adults within school was so little he was unable to talk to anybody about the problems he was having and so took his own life.
It is wrong of us to think that children are resilient and will bounce back but certain things a child will carry with them and can affect their whole life.
It is up to us as adults to listen to our children, teach them to be open and honest and above all do what is right for them whatever the consequences.

Anonymous said...

Schools are mainly for learning. Socialisation must start with families, for without the support of parents, schools can do almost nothing to develop it. Unfortunately, successive Governments, both Tory and Labour have conspired to destroy the traditional family, and allowed the development of a society in which tens if not hundreds of thousands of children grow up inadequately socialised, and in turn breed generations of similar social inadequates. This appalling state of affairs has been exacerbated by the promotion of the idea (again by successive Governments, but in this particular instance, mainly Labour ones), that part of the Government's role is to get involved in bringing up children. It is time our 'leaders' recognised that they and their half-baked social engineering ideas are, and have always been, the problem and not the solution. This is one of the few issues on which we really do need to get back to the past and bring back the one social institution we know works, the traditional two (married) parent family. A society based on this doesn't need nearly so much costly and ineffective 'social work' and State interference. It will take decades, but without this kind of reversal in our national thinking, we will end up with a society so dysfunctional that only a totalitarian government will be able to hold it together. We are almost there already. Maybe that's been the plan all along...go for it Parent's Forum...there's a lot of us behind you!

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