Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Times

A report claims that a third of teachers have been falsely accused of wrongdoing. Our writer argues that it's time parents recognised their responsibilities

27 October 2009 The Times

Who would be a teacher in Britain today? The public may be surprised by a new poll that reveals 28 per cent of school staff have been falsely accused of wrongdoing by pupils, but most professionals who work in schools will not be. Living with parents’ criticism, complaints and false allegations from pupils has become part of a teachers’ lives. They work in a world where pupils feel they can make accusations because their parents will automatically back them, often with far-reaching results.

The poll by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers found that school staff who have been the subject of an unfounded allegation of misconduct by pupils, often have their careers blighted and their private lives damaged.

So how have we got to this situation where the adults involved in education, from parents to teachers, are in a not- so-civil civil war. And how does this affect the children they are trying to serve?

In my view, the first problem is that we now live in a culture where many of us no longer think twice before making a disparaging comment about any grown-ups in front of children. And as parents’ frustration with their children’s schools performance grows, it is the often hard-working teachers on whom they take it out.

Geraldine, for example, is an angry par- ent. This 39-year-old office administrator intends to sue her daughter’s Portsmouth primary school for failing to get Trish through the 11-plus. When I ask her: “Was it really the teachers’ fault?” she dismisses my question with a look of incomprehen- sion. She is, she says, “totally geared up” to “take on” her daughter’s “useless teachers”. But what example does this set Trish?

Tiff, a 41-year-old stay-at-home mum in Kent, is also a confident and seasoned advocate of her three children’s interest. Her latest triumph was to face down her 14-year-old daughter’s headmaster and force him to revoke the detention that she was given for texting in the middle of her science lessons. Tiff is so contemptuous towards her daughter’s headmaster that she calls him a “waste of space”. Her daughter, meanwhile, feels vindicated for her behaviour.

These mothers are just two of many examples of parental misbehaviour. Researching my new book Wasted: Why Education isn’t Educating, during which I spoke to scores of parents, it struck me how quickly they turned into vociferous critics of their children’s school. Often, they responded to a teacher’s criticism of their offspring as if it were a slight on themselves.

And the way grown-ups behave in everyday life does not go unnoticed by children. I have met kids as young as 8 or 9 who feel that they have permission to make fun of and attack their teachers. One group of 14-year-old boys whom I met in Canterbury routinely described their teachers to me as “losers”, “random” and “morons”.

On the other side, many teachers say that they now dread meeting their pupils’ parents. Parents’ evenings have become a battleground where the father or mother is the enemy. Greg, an experienced science teacher who works in a Manchester comprehensive, told me of his well-rehearsed routine for managing the “pushy parent”. “If you take their whining seriously they can turn your world upside-down,” he says. His solution is to “smile, switch off, look agreeable and move on as fast as possible”.

But not all teachers possess Greg’s confidence. Sue has been teaching drama in a Surrey school for two years. During that time she has had several rows with parents. She recalls that the low point of her career so far occurred when she had a shouting match with an angry parent in front of her class. A furious mother stormed into the school hall in the middle of a play rehearsal demanding to know why her son was not offered a more important part.

Another public face-off with an aggressive parent may prompt Sue to sign up for one of the many assertiveness-training courses for teachers that are now a growing strand of in-service instruction. They offer conflict management, mediation and communication skills for teachers requiring support to deal with difficult parents. It is a sign of the times that teachers’ organisations even now have leaflets on topics such as “fear of parents’ evenings”. One leaflet titled, Meet the Parents, published by the Teachers Support Network, cautions that it “can be a daunting experience”. It warns that sometimes parents will “support their child against the school — no matter what”, that they can turn “hostile, defensive and confrontational” and in rare cases even become “aggressive or violent”.

Predictably, sections of the teaching profession have responded to displays of parental disrespect by returning the favour. Educators blame parents for the low achievement and poor behaviour of their children. Without thinking of the damaging consequences for parental authority, many educators too have no inhibitions about ticking off irresponsible parents in front of their kids.

It is difficult to unravel the origins of the divisive feuds among grown-ups that afflict institutions of education. But it is evident to me that these squabbles have been exacerbated by recent government policies. A few months ago, a report published by the MP Alan Milburn argued for harnessing the energy of “pushy parents” to improve standards of education. He echoed the suggestion of the former Education Minister, Lord Adonis, that more pushy parents were needed to force schools to improve. In March, the Government announced a scheme that would allow parents and pupils to use “satisfaction ratings” to grade their school. Such measures risk reinforcing the tendency for parents to vent their frustration on their children’s schools, while failing to provide any constructive measures to improve the quality of education.

Mobilising parents’ instinctive love for their children to shore up the institution of education does not solve deep-seated problems. It simply encourages parents to become their children’s advocates, leading to the widespread adoption of the “my child, right or wrong” attitude. Once such attitudes gain momentum, parents can easily lose sight of what is in the best interest of their child and his or her classmates. One father told me that having challenged the mark that his daughter got for her geography project and questioned the teacher’s judgment, he knew that he had gone too far. “It got to be bigger than a dispute about the grade and it felt wrong,” he says.

It’s not hard to see how parents have got here. With increasing pressure on state schools and growing anxiety about standards, schooling has become a focus of intense competition for parents. Many devote considerable resources to get their children into a “good” school, some paying as much as £2,000 to get legal help with their appeal if children don’t win a place. Rob, 43, a businessman from Birmingham, was appalled when told that his 11-year-old son was refused a place in his school of choice. He appealed and showed up to a panel hearing with a solicitor, who specialised in education law. He says: “I made sure they knew that I meant business.”

Paying for legal advice, moving house to live in the catchment area of a desirable school, or even joining the congregation of a church with an attached school, is now not unusual. Studies indicate that a fifth of secondary pupils in England and Wales receive private tuition. In some middle-class secondary schools more than half of students had used a private tutor. Once the children are in the “right” school, their parents play an active role in helping them with their homework and projects. According to a report by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, two thirds of parents help their children with GCSE coursework — and many do far more than “help”: it is often parents, not the students, who are busy looking for information on the internet or at the library.

Despite all these efforts, petty and divisive bickering between parents and teachers will undermine all the good that parents try to do. If adults behave authoritatively towards youngsters at home and in their communities, teachers will feel comfortable in exercising authority in the classroom. However, if grown-ups point the finger at one another for a school’s alleged failing they undermine not only the authority of the teacher, but of all adults.

Education works best when it is underpinned by a genuine intergenerational conversation. Ideally, through such a conversation, the experience and wisdom of the adult world is transmitted to children. But when grown-ups find it difficult to speak with one voice and education becomes a battlefield on which pointless conflicts between grown-ups are fought, those intergenerational transactions are lost. Teachers and parents need to be on the same side — for the sake of education. Our children and our futures depend on it.

Frank Furedi is a professor of sociology at the University of Kent. His book Wasted: Why Education isn’t Educating is published by Continuum International this week at £16.99. To order it for £15.29, inc p&p, call 0845 2712134 or visit timesonline.co.uk/booksfirst.

Mark Ellwood, 46

‘There is a climate of fear in the classroom’

Ellwood was forced to leave his family home and prohibited from contact with his daughters while false allegations against him were investigated.

The former kick-boxing champion helped to look after children removed from class for bad behaviour at David Lister School in Hull. When he asked a 15-year-old boy to put away his mobile phone and take off his coat the pupil threatened to stab him and said: “I will have you killed.”

He marched the teenager out of the classroom but the boy kicked him in the shin. Ellwood “gently” swept the boy to the floor, but did not injure him. The boy’s mother accused Ellwood of assault against her son and within weeks he had been arrested, fingerprinted, held for 22 hours and charged with common assault.

Social services forced him to move out of his home, leaving his wife Julie and two teenage daughters. He slept on the floor of a gym and was banned from contact with them before he was allowed to return two weeks later.

He has just been cleared after nine months by a judge, who said the “nightmare” was now over and Ellwood could rebuild his life.

Ellwood said after the case that there was a such a “climate of fear” in the classroom that teachers are scared to act when threats of stabbing and murder are daily events in schools all over the country.

Jane Watts, 52

‘I felt like a criminal. I couldn’t cope with what happened to me’

Watts had been a primary school teacher for 30 years when the mother of a five-year-old pupil accused her of hitting her daughter on the hand during a lesson.

The next day Watts was suspended from Duke Street Primary School in Chorley, Lancashire, pending an investigation. There had been no witnesses and a teaching assistant in the class at the time did not report anything until the girl’s mother complained, Watts said. “I felt dirty and like a criminal. I’ve always loved teaching and I couldn’t cope with the thought that this had happened to me.”

A month later Watts was arrested for assault. She was interviewed and was released on bail. The police found no case to answer. But the school wanted its own investigation. She took a lie-detector test, which she passed, but the school did not appear to take the results into account.

Watts was sacked in March 2008 for gross misconduct after an internal inquiry, but reinstated on appeal when the punishment was downgraded to a final warning.

The distress caused by the accusation and the investigation meant that Watts was unable to return to school because of ill health and a fear that she would be constantly under suspicion. She was sacked again in June this year for non-attendance.

“The effect it had was that I went from someone who would happily take 220 children for hymn practice and meetings for parents and Inset training, to someone who was afraid to walk around Chorley and didn’t want to go to the local supermarket.”

Judi Sunderland, 60

‘It’s hard to believe it took seconds for this boy to wreck my life’

Sunderland was found innocent by a court after allegations that she had assaulted a pupil. The investigation by the police and then the school took three years after a 13-year-old pupil at Immanuel College school, in Bradford, said that she had attacked him at the end of 2003.

Sunderland had worked at the school for only three months when she heard raised voices in the corridor outside her office and saw a teaching assistant trying to deal with a pupil. She went over and told the boy he should do as he was told.

The pupil slid down the wall and started kicking out so Sunderland, who was in teaching for 33 years, repeated her request for him to behave. He started swearing at her and swiping his legs towards her. Sunderland stood back and the boy got up and she put her arms around him from the back to restrain him. The boy complained and she was accused of using excessive force. The court was told that the case had put her through a “living hell”.

The prosecution gave no evidence against her and she walked free from Bradford Magistrates’ Court. But an internal disciplinary before the school governors decided that she had committed an “unlawful act — but invited her back to teach at the school. As a result, she appealed to the governors about the ruling, but lost the case and then decided to resign. Because of this ruling she was prevented from chaperoning her own grandchildren to drama lessons.

“The whole incident lasted seconds. It’s hard to believe it took less than a minute for this boy to wreck my life.”

Shakil Akhter, 42

‘The past two years for me have been a nightmare’

Science teacher Akhter was sacked from the International School & Community College, Birmingham, after a 12-year-old boy with a history of trouble making told the headmistress that the teacher had hit him.

The father of four, denied the allegations — made in December 2005 — and the police and social services did not pursue the claims after a two-year investigation.

But the school suspended Akhter, who has a PhD in forestry, and after an internal inquiry later sacked him six months after he joined the staff.

The GTC, the profession’s watchdog, ruled that there was not enough evidence that the teacher had thrown a punch and said that a teaching assistant in the classroom had not seen him do so.

Akhter could not take the local education authority — Birmingham City Council — to an employment tribunal because he had not been at the school long enough to bring proceedings against it.

Akhter said after he was cleared:

“It’s hard to think that they chose to believe this boy over me. I’m very relieved. The past two years for me have been a nightmare because I took on a lot of debt to train as a teacher, but now I can try and rebuild my life.”

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Daily Telegraph

Cleared teacher calls for greater protection against allegations

The first teacher in Britain to take a lie detector test to try to clear her name after she was wrongly accused of assault last night called for greater protection against false allegations.

Published: 7:00AM GMT 26 Oct 2009 Daily Telegraph

Jane Watts, 52, claims her life was left in tatters after she was accused of hitting a five-year-old girl in her reception class. Police dismissed the allegation against her but she was still sacked from her job at a primary school in Chorley, near Preston, Lancs.

Mrs Watts, who has been forced to rent out her home and is now living in “exile” in Spain, still recalls her fear at being arrested and taken to a police station.

“It was absolutely horrendous,” she said. “I was warned that I might be handcuffed and put in a cell. I was fingerprinted, had my DNA taken and photographed.”

“I had been on the senior management team and had an unblemished record. I was terrified.”

Mrs Watts spoke out after the Daily Telegraph revealed how Michael Becker, a special needs teacher, was convicted of assault by beating for daring to eject a disruptive pupil from his classroom.

Mr Becker, 62, from Stutton, Suffolk, took action because the boy refused to stop telling racist jokes. He was fined and ordered to pay costs. An imminent disciplinary hearing is expected to confirm his dismissal after 32 years in the classroom.

The case comes as a poll by the the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) found a quarter of school staff have been falsely accused by a pupil of wrongdoing while one in six has faced malicious allegations from a pupil’s family.

Half of those questioned said there had been at least one false allegation in their current school.

Mary Bousted, the union’s general secretary, said false allegations were blighting teachers’ lives.

“You get allegations of inappropriate sexual contact, you get allegations that you have hit a child, you get allegations that you have been unreasonable in your behaviour to the child.” she said.

“It is a totally isolating experience.” said Bousted, who added that many teachers never went back because they felt a cloud was hanging over them.

Mrs Watts, speaking from her new home in Cantabria, said teachers should learn that ‘nobody is their friend.’

“The Government should look at suspensions and at their procedures very, very carefully, and it needs to be somebody independent to look at them.”

“Children need to be protected, but so do the adults.”

Her 30-year career effectively came to a halt in September, 2007, when a youngster accused her of hitting her on the hand during a lesson at Duke Street Primary School.

She spent £25,000 trying to clear her name, even going to the trouble of submitting herself to a polygraph examination. The test came back clear but the school said it was unreliable.

Mrs Watts, who maintained throughout that she had struck a desk rather than the child, was reinstated after an appeal. After declining an “invitation” to return to the school she applied for early retirement, but this was turned down. The stress continued to wear her down and she was eventually sacked for non-attendance in 2009.

“I don’t know how I’ve survived,” she said. “Without the support of my family I would have lost it. There were days when I couldn’t get out of bed and it took months for me to go into town.”

“At one point I almost lost my house. I spent all my life savings just to stay afloat and almost had to sell my house.”

She added: “It finally seems like people are talking about the issue, and I won’t rest until I get changes made.”

Ken Cridland, Lancashire secretary of the National Union of Teachers, said the human cost to teachers subjected to false allegations “cannot be underestimated”.

He added: “This is a brutal system that wrecks the careers and home lives of innocent teachers.”

“There are some older children who are wise or unwise enough to attempt to get staff into trouble.”

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Protecting School or Children ?

Over this weekend, there have been numerous articles about the dinner lady, Carol Hill, who was sacked on the grounds of gross misconduct.

She was in breach of school confidentiality rules when she informed a girl’s parents that their daughter was being bullied. The girl had been tied up with a skipping rope and was then whipped by other children (one being the son of a school governor !).

Why dinnerlady Carol Hill deserves a medal, not the sack
Daily Mirror, 26 Sep 2009

We have now heard that Mr. Kidd has instructed staff that any similar breaches in school / pupil confidentiality would not be tolerated at Duke Street. He went further to emphasise that staff who supported Carol Hill could find themselves in serious trouble and reminded them that the school name and image is important.

It was barely a year ago when the school tried to conceal that there had been a rat infestation in the kitchen :

The ‘Pied Piper’ of Duke Street

Whilst we concede that all schools have similar confidentiality restrictions; this is yet another example where the priority of the school is to protect its reputation in deference to the safety and well‑being of our children !

Friday, July 24, 2009

On The Box

Panorama - Mrs. Watts
It seems as though whenever you open a paper, there’s Mrs. Watts !

The Times, Daily Mail, Lancashire Evening Post and Chorley Guardian. But the really good news is that she’ll be on the box in October, coinciding with the end of the Parliamentary Summer Recess. We knew that the BBC tentatively had scheduled a programme late last year that had been cancelled. But today, we learnt that, through her determined efforts to prove her innocence, her case will be investigated by the Panorama team. The programme will highlight aspects of the recent Parliamentary report Allegations Against Teachers, to which, Mrs. Watts has contributed and is mentioned.

Again, well done !!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Times - They Are A Changing

The Times - Mrs. Watts
Mrs. Watts featured in yet another tragic story of a teacher’s misery in The Times today in an article entitled :

MPs say teachers need protection
against false claims of pupil abuse

We understand that, through her campaign for justice, her efforts resulted in a meeting of the House of Commons Select Committee for Children, Schools and Families that took place on 17 June 2009.

Also, we have been informed that her submitted evidence and her book, ‘False Allegations Against Teachers’, have been included in the government report that was published today :

Allegations Against School Staff HC695

According to Google, this morning, there were 136 news articles published that featured this story - a truly astounding effort !

The Daily Mail, 19 July 2009 featured Mrs. Watts’ story.

... we feel certain that we’re going to see more of this story ...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mr. Kidd In The Stocks

Well done Mr. Kidd who braved the stocks on a cold, cloudy day, to raise money for the school, at the School Summer Fair.

Congratulations also to the Parents Association for their efforts. We understand that a total of £1600 has been raised. This money will be used to enhance outside play areas.

In response to a request by Mr. Kidd, we wish to make it clear that this is not an official school video.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cuckoo In The Nest

Prompted by the announced departures of Mrs. McGloughlin and Mrs. Watts, a parent wrote to us to share her observations and concerns.

She pointed out that a total of 12 teachers will have left Duke Street Primary School over the past five years :

Mrs. Callandar, Mrs. Dring, Ms. Ishard, Mrs. Larne, Mrs. Markland, Mrs. Marquis, Mrs. McGloughlin, Mrs. Poppleton, Mrs. Procter, Mrs. Quinton, Mr. Roberts, Mrs. Watts

Three teachers were deputy heads, the majority had long and successful careers at Duke Street and Mrs. Quinton was the only teacher who retired.

In comparison with other local schools and indeed national figures, staff turnover rates are excessive.

Duke Street has lost a core of experienced, committed and valuable teachers. Today, even one of the school’s management team has only 18 months teaching experience. Maybe this is the reason why Mrs. Quinton continues to enjoy her supply teacher position and that of school governor even though she retired some years ago ?

What are your thoughts ?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Goodbye, Mrs. Watts

Goodbye, Mr. Chips is a novel by James Hilton, first published in 1934.
The novel tells the story of a much-loved schoolteacher, Arthur Chipping (“Chips”) through the long years of his tenure at Brookfield, the fictional boys’ public boarding school where he has taught. Despite his own mediocre academic record, he goes on to have an illustrious career as an inspiring educator at Brookfield.

Jane Watts
Duke Street Primary School
1988 - 2009

It is with much regret and sadness that we announce that Mrs. Watts is no longer employed as a teacher at Duke Street Primary School. Over a long career of some 30 years, 20 at Duke Street, she must have taught something approaching 1,000 children !

She was a great teacher who was committed and dedicated to her vocation - she was always prepared to listen and help.

We wish her well and extend our sincerest thanks for her kindness, understanding and loving devotion to our children and us parents.

“Goodbye, Mrs. Watts”

We took the decision to disallow comments on this entry. However we will forward your e-mails to Mrs. Watts.
(Please title your e-mail as ‘Letter(JW)’)

We have recently learned that Mrs. McLoughlin will also be leaving Duke Street at the end of the summer term. Mrs. McLoughlin joined Duke Street over 20 years ago - at the same time as Mrs. Watts. We are sorry to hear that she is leaving as she has been a very supportive and competant teacher.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chinese New Year

We do hope that you saw the recent article of our children in the Chorley Citizen last week. It is a lovely photograph; we can not share it with you though as it is unwise to place such pictures on the Internet. But maybe copies can be obtained from the Citizen ?

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2009 is the Year of the Ox. The Ox, or the Buffalo sign symbolises prosperity through fortitude and hard work. Those born under the influence of the Ox or Buffalo are fortunate to be stable and persevering. The typical Ox is a tolerant person with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness that the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task. Ox people work hard without complaints at work or at home. They know that they will succeed through hard work and sustained efforts, and do not believe in get-rich-quick schemes. (In today’s economic climate there can’t be many of those !)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Green Pigs

Here’s a great idea for the new garden areas for the school - RolyPig composters.

Several of you made this suggestion but we think that St. John’s Methodist Primary School in Brinscall beat you to it ! They look really good and our children can learn and be encouraged to think ‘green’ - or maybe to think ‘green pigs’ !

RolyPig ExplainedJourney Through RolyPig
courtesy RolyPig Ltd

The RolyPigs are supplied in orange, green and pink and cost around £150.00.

According to St. John’s school there is grant of up to £500.00 available from Global Renewables UK.

These would make a wonderful addition to the school grounds and maybe there’s a profit to be made by selling the compost !

Keep your ideas coming - this is a good one !