Prompted by the announced departures of Mrs. McGloughlin and Mrs. Watts, a parent wrote to us to share her observations and concerns.
She pointed out that a total of 12 teachers will have left Duke Street Primary School over the past five years :
Mrs. Callandar, Mrs. Dring, Ms. Ishard, Mrs. Larne, Mrs. Markland, Mrs. Marquis, Mrs. McGloughlin, Mrs. Poppleton, Mrs. Procter, Mrs. Quinton, Mr. Roberts, Mrs. Watts
Three teachers were deputy heads, the majority had long and successful careers at Duke Street and Mrs. Quinton was the only teacher who retired.
In comparison with other local schools and indeed national figures, staff turnover rates are excessive.
Duke Street has lost a core of experienced, committed and valuable teachers. Today, even one of the school’s management team has only 18 months teaching experience. Maybe this is the reason why Mrs. Quinton continues to enjoy her supply teacher position and that of school governor even though she retired some years ago ?
What are your thoughts ?